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Sunday 20 November 2016

Lecture#1 (ITP)

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Lecture# 1

Course Objectives:
Objectives of this course are three fold
  • To appreciate the need for a programming language
  • To introduce the concept and usability of the structured programming methodology
  • To develop proficiency in making useful software using the C language  

Click these links to access the complete:

Dropbox: Lecture# 1

Google Drive: Lecture# 1

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Hi friends, Shahzaib Jamal here. I am a developer to be 😊. I have very much interest in computer field and all the things that would make me better in this particular ground. I Chosed this field with a aim that one day i'll open my own Software Company. By keeping this interest in my mind i have made up this blog for you all by providing all the information on Developing subjects and other literary Subjects as well. " You will be pleased by surfing this stuff and hope it will become handy in the time of need"


  1. edit the mobile version can't see any lecture in mobile



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